Welcome Class '73 and '74 Reunion Site
We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go.... we all take a little of each other everywhere! |
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The Basics
'74 In Memory of
Fun Stuff
Clairemont High School 4150 Ute Drive San Diego, CA 92117 (858) 273-0201 |
A Loved One is not gone, until they are forgotten! And to live in the hearts of those left behind is to Live Forever!
Class '73 Alumni
Gary Alford September 27, 1955 - July 31, 1991 Age 38
Kimball Armstrong October 12, 1954 - September 28, 1995 A1C, US Air Force Age 41
Thomas Benson 1955 - March 13, 2006 Age 51 Complications from an illness
Marc Beverly January 18, 1955 - September 15, 2010 Age 55 Cancer
Greg Bilton 1955 - January 2012 Age 56 Car Accident
Randy Board June 18, 1953 - June 7,2000 Age 47
Louis Boeche 1955 - 2007 Age 52
Jayme Bouman Dec 16, 1955 - Jan 2, 2022 Age 67
Michael Briggs 1955 - Febuary 25, 2001 Age 46
Raymond Byrnes 1954 - December 1981 Age 27 Cancer
Patricia Carl 1955 - March 17, 2007 Age 52 Intestinal problems
Carper Linda 1955 - 2019 Age 64
Geaard Cassidy December 10, 1953 - July 27, 2020 Age 67 Hodkins
Paula Daly 1955 - August 1977 Age 22 Car Accident
Samuel Deaver 1953 - March 2, 1996 Age 43
Steve Dolph 1954 - February 29, 2004 Age 49 Head Injury Fell while descending stairs
Robert Doyle 1955 - August 26, 2006 Age 51 Cancer
Larry Eiler March 9, 1955 - November 27, 2013 Age 58 Complications from hip surgery
Richard Elias January 7, 1955 - April 2, 2019 Age 64 Cancer
Richard Faber Febuary 28,1955 - June 22, 2010 Age 55 Dialysis Complications
Ron Feeley October 20, 1954 - January 1, 2009 Age 55
Julie Finkelstein August 1955 - March 2004 Age 48
Randall Foertsch 1955 - September 30, 2002 Age 47 Cancer
Everett Foss 1955 - September 1, 2012 Liver Problems Age 57
Joseph Garrigan 1955 - October 13, 2011 Age 56 Passed under hospice care
Dayton Gaunt January 15, 1955 - August 11, 2007 Age 52 Gun Cleaning Accident
Philip Giannino
Carolyn Goddard 1955 - February 4, 2011 Age 56 Lung Cancer - No yearbook picture
Lynn Gunn 1955 - August 3, 1999 Age 44
Kevin Hammond 1955 - April 17, 2009 Cancer Age 54
Richard Hilton 1955 - 2019 Age 64
Bruce Hobart Marston senior picture
David Hypnarowski December 1, 1954 - June 5, 2005 Age 51
Steven Jankowski May 1955 - August 2008 Age 53
John Johnson - April 9, 2017 Cardiac Arrest
John Khula July 8, 1955 - March 25, 2020 Age 65 Cancer
David Lawrence 1955 - 1993 Age 38
Daniel Levoy 1954 - February 13, 1990 Age 36
Leon Livingston April 9, 1955 - August 7, 2011 Age 56 Motorcycle accident
Melissa Martin July 7, 1955 - August 29, 2008 Age 53 Motorcycle Accident in Maui
Scott McDonald 1955 - October 20, 2013 Age 58 Bee stings, allergic reaction
Kevin McGeady 1955 - 1997 Age 42
David McIntyre August 1955 - March 2006 Age 51
Jane Morgan 1955 - 1993 Age 38 Cancer
Deborah Murdock May 1955 - August 14, 2007 Age 52 Cancer
Mike Nease 1955 - November 24, 2013 Age 58 Diabetes complications
Lyn Niles March 24, 1955 - May 1, 2020 Age 65 Cancer
Bruce Nyrup
Patricia Olbrick 1955 - August 1980 Age 25
Mary Osborne 1955 - 2008 Age 53 Cancer
Teresa Peacock 1955 - February 1981 Age 26
Patrick Pierce 1955 - 2006 Age 51
Lawrence Randle 1955 - December 2001 Age 46
John Reed 1955 - January 1993 Age 38
Roy Reeves 1954 - 1978 Age 24
Candace Reynolds 1951 - 2006 Age 51
Cheryl Rinard 1955 - 1993 Age 38 Cancer Cheryl passed away on August 20th 1993. Two days before our 20th reunion. One of her last requests was that her close friend, Katherine Wayne, attend the reunion and say hi to everyone...
Walter Rupnick April 28, 1955 - May 17, 2010 Age 55
Steve See 1955 - May 5, 2010 Age 55 Cancer
Cathie Sherlock 1955 - 2005 Age 50
Mary Siefner (Gore) July 28, 1954 - October 15, 1998 Age 43 Heart surgery complications
Karen Sloniker (Lundy) October 4, 1955 - July 28, 2010 Age 54 Hit by drunken driver
Richard Spinello March 9.1955 - January 28, 2013
Paul Sterrett September 1, 1955 - October 30, 2008 Age 53
Melody Talley 1955 - 2001 Age 46 Cancer
Seruia Tauiliili March 5, 1955 - August 30, 2007 Her tribute video Age 52 Breast cancer
Jerry Twedt 1955 - September 18, 1981 Age 26
Donna Villamora - 2017 Age 62 Cancer
David Wheeler 1955 - October 2002 Age 47
Jayne Werner September 27, 1955 - January 18, 2016
Debra Wass 1955 - September 23, 2002 Age 47
Bruce Whilloughby 1955 - 2003 Age 48
Francis Wible July 25, 1955 - January 2, 2004 Age 49 Brain cancer
Rickey Williams May 18. 1954 - March 22, 2005 Age 51
Teresa Wingo 1955 - February 3, 2011 Age 55 Heart condition
Geraldine Yee October 23, 1955 - February 24, 2001 Age 45
Christopher Zilinsky August 14, 1955 - January 7, 2008 US Air Force Vietnam interned at Fort Rosecrans Age 53
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